I downloaded it after experiencing debugging issues with CodeBlocks (it wouldn't attach the provided debugger). I downloaded Visual D and after some fiddling with Visual Studio 2019 not supporting third party templates in my version (had to update it), I haven't been able to get Visual D to compile anything. It looks like it doesn't know where phobos lives?

I'm getting this: std.file.FileException@std\file.d(872) <my project directory>: The system cannot find the path specified.

I've tried configuring both 'Additional Import Paths' and/or 'String Import Paths' under Compiler in properties and 'Library Search Path' in Linker (not sure why I would need this...but I was desperate).

I keep getting a popup that says: 'The operation could not be completed. The parameter is incorrect'.

It would help if there was a setup guide for this instead of assuming it all works. What IDE should I be using on Windows, because so far the ones I've tried are not even close to working out of the box (my bare minimum for 'working out of the box' would be to at least build and be able to reference the standard library).

When dmd installed i put itself on my C:\ drive in a folder called 'D'. I've done zero custom here. I just let all of the installers do their thing.


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