Here I have a program that wants to

1. detect whether if it's the only instance
    1.1. it does that by trying to create a Unix Domain Socket
    and trying to binding it to a specific address.

2. if a duplicate program is not running, establish an UDS
    and then listen to the socket.

2.1. if any message comes through that socket, the program will log the incoming message
    2.2. otherwise it should keep listening to the socket forever

3. if there's a duplicate program it should send a message and then exit.

Here's what I have:

import std.socket, std.experimental.logger;

immutable string socketAddress = "\0/tmp/com.localserver.myapp";

void main()
auto socket = new std.socket.Socket(std.socket.AddressFamily.UNIX,
        auto addr = new std.socket.UnixAddress(socketAddress);

        auto isUnique = () {
                bool result;

                scope (success)
                        log("returns: ", result);

                        result = true;
                catch (std.socket.SocketOSException e)
                        result = false;

                // else throw error
                return result;

        if (isUnique)
                log("Unique instance detected. Listening...");
                // works upto now
                char[] buffer = [];
                while (1)
                        if (buffer != []) {
                                log("Received message: ", buffer);
                        buffer = [];
                log("Duplicate instance detected.");
                import std.stdio;
                stdout.write("Enter your message:\t");
                log("Message has been sent. Exiting.");

The documentation does not seem very friendly to those who does not have any experience in socket programming.

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