I come from both a C++ and C# background. Those have been the primary languages I have used. In C# you can do something like this:

    public interface ISomeInterface<T>
         T Value { get; }

    public class SomeClass<T> : ISomeInterface<T>
         T Value { get; set; }

    public class SomeOtherClass<T> : ISomeInterface<T>
        T Value { get; set; }

    public static class Example
        public static void Foo()
            var instance1 = new SomeClass<int>(){ Value = 4; };
            var instance2 = new SomeClass<int>(){ Value = 2; };

            if (instance1 is ISomeInterface<int>)
                Console.WriteLine("Instance1 is interface!");

            if (instance2 is ISomeInterface<int>)
                Console.WriteLine("Instance2 is interface!");

Expected output is both WriteLines get hit:

    Instance1 is interface!

    Instance2 is interface!

So now the 'D' version:

    interface ISomeInterface(T)
        T getValue();

    class SomeClass(T) : ISomeInterface!T
        T t;

        this(T t)
        this.t = t;

        T getValue()
       return t;

    class SomeOtherClass(T) : ISomeInterface!T
        T t;

        this(T t)
        this.t = t;

        T getValue()
                return t;

...which seems to work the same way with preliminary testing. I guess my question is...templates are different than generics, but can I feel confident continuing forward with such a design in D and expect this more or less to behave as I would expect in C#? Or are there lots of caveats I should be aware of?

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