On Tuesday, 15 October 2019 at 14:00:32 UTC, WebFreak001 wrote:

thank you so much for these tutorials! I love how they are progressing.

Thanks, WebFreak001.

Small, simple and concise topics with good images, nice drawings, and most importantly, paragraphs explaining the logic along with the code.

I am also fan of your consistent style of the website and the tutorial images. Keep up the great work on these tutorials! They are a great resource showing people how to easily do great GUIs in D and will surely attract a lot of people.

Those are some very kind words. Thank you very much.

Could you maybe do a tutorial how to use Glade with D in the future?

I'll put this on my todo list. How could I turn you down after the preamble you wrote? :)

there are 2 dub packages to generate D code from the forms files. (one very new one with nice explanations and one that is a year old with a bit less documentation)

Do you have links for these?

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