Hi all,
I am new to D. But some fair experience with vb.net. I was playing with D classes. I wrote a class in a D file.
The file name is "classFile.d"
class TestClass {

    int myIntVar        ;
    string myStringVar  ;

    this(int miv, string msv) {
        this.myIntVar = miv     ;
        this.myStringVar = msv  ;
    }//End this

}//End Class
And i wrote my main function in another file named "caller.d". Both these files are in same folder.
import std.stdio ;

void main() {
    import classFile ;

    TestClass tc = new TestClass(37, "Sample String") ;
    writeln(tc.myStringVar) ;
    tc.myIntVar = 45 ;
    writeln(tc.myIntVar)  ;

    writeln("its over..") ;

}//End main
This is the error message i got.
Error 42: Symbol Undefined __D9classFile9TestClass6__ctorMFiAyaZCQBjQBc
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined __D9classFile9TestClass7__ClassZ
Error: linker exited with status 2
PS E:\OneDrive Folder\OneDrive\Programming\D Programming\Samples\Sample2>

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