On Saturday, 2 November 2019 at 17:49:09 UTC, Luh wrote:

When trying to pass a D function to the C callback, the compiler says:

'Error: cannot implicitly convert expression &this.onProcessCb of type extern (C) bool delegate(const(short*) a, ulong b, void* c) to extern (C) bool function(const(short*), ulong, void*'

because my function is member of a class (compiles when the function is out of the class).

Is there any way to say to solve this ?
The wiki isn't very clear about the C callbacks:

C code:
typedef bool (*onProcessCallback)(const short*, size_t, void*);

D Code:
class Game
        onProcessCallback m_onProcessCb;
                m_onProcessCb = &onProcessCb; // Error here
        void onProcess()
                // ...

        extern(C) bool onProcessCb(const short* a, size_t b, void* c)
                return true;

private extern(C)
        // Should call onProcess() when executed by the C lib
alias onProcessCallback = bool function(const short*, size_t, void*);

you are missing a static in your member function's signature.
The callback is not providing a this pointer.

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