On Wednesday, 13 November 2019 at 18:10:15 UTC, Dukc wrote:
On Wednesday, 13 November 2019 at 15:41:01 UTC, Sebastiaan Koppe wrote:
It has been on the back of my mind since 1.18-beta came out. I am going to reserve a little time tomorrow to work on it.

Regarding that, perhaps I can save you a bit trouble if you also try to get 1.19 working: if you get compile errors related to SortedRange, the fix is https://github.com/dlang/phobos/pull/7266.

I have had some time today to look into this. About the --no-as-needed:

TL;DR: add `--build-mode=allAtOnce` to the dub command.

Kinke made some changes in dub to facilitate separate linking for ldc. I am not aware of all the details but the major benefit is that it allows cross compilation with dub and ldc.

Because of the separate linking the --no-as-needed turned up. As far as I can see it is only needed when compiling for linux.

Which brings up the question, why linux? Aren't we compiling for wasm?

Well yes. But that is just the way things worked up until now, ldc and dub just pick the host machine.

Luckily there is the new dub `--arch` argument that can take a llvm triple, in our case wasm32-unknown-unknown-wasm. This causes dub not to add the `--no-as-needed`.

Except, that it also passes the triple upwards the dependency tree. Now all the dependencies of spasm get compiled targeting wasm. This is a good thing, except that the optional package which spasm depends on fails to compile with it. There is a newer version that fixes the configuration, but that one fails because of the `from.std` import idiom (it imports the std package from phobos which doesn't recognise wasm and fails with "Unknown OS").

In the end it is all caused by phobos and druntime not knowing anything about wasm. Which I am currently working on behind the scenes to fix.

In the meantime I am going to make a PR for the optional package to avoid the `from.std` idiom. Although I might end up playing whack-a-mole here, as there might be more dependencies that need a fix now.

Another workaround that you can use right now is by adding the `--build-mode=allAtOnce` argument to dub. It effectively gets you the old behaviour. It is what I am using in my CI to get it to go green again.

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