On Monday, 18 November 2019 at 21:25:12 UTC, kerdemdemir wrote:
It is a bit weird that such a general case like removing list of elements does not work.

And I really do not know the real use of [0,1,2,3].remove(1,2,3). I mean in unit test it looks cool but in real life you will have dynamically calculated indexes.


It seems like a defect in phobos to me as well. Fortunately phobos
is written in D so you can just copy&paste this into your code:

however, it still doesn't return the same thing as x.remove(1,2,3).

... maybe it'd be simpler to drop down to C-style D?

// no checks for out-of-bounds or unsorted offsets
void myRemove(ref int[] array, int[] offsets) {
    int from, to, offset;

    while (from < array.length) {
        if (offset < offsets.length && from == offsets[offset]) {
        } else if (from == to) {
        } else {
            array[to++] = array[from++];
    array.length = to;

unittest {
    int[] x = [1, 2, 3];
    int[] y = x.dup, z = x.dup, q = x.dup;
    myRemove(x, [0]);
    myRemove(y, []);
    myRemove(z, [2]);
    myRemove(q, [1, 2]);
    assert(x == [2, 3]);
    assert(y == [1, 2, 3]);
    assert(z == [1, 2]);
    assert(q == [1]);

Perhaps it's nice to have the option?

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