On Wednesday, 27 November 2019 at 02:48:53 UTC, cartland wrote:
Trying out exception handling. When an exception occurs, program seems to just exit.

dub -a x86_mscoff

I compiled it with dmd and ran it directly from the command line and it worked fine:

catch %sfirst

Did you try that? And do you have the MS linker installed or are you using the lld that ships with DMD?

Two things regarding your code:

writeln does no formatting. You want writefln for that. But with writeln, you can provide multiple string arguments and they will be concatenated into the final output, like this:

writeln("catch ", e.msg);

Also, you don't need the `int main` signature if you don't actually need the return value to signify anyting:

void main() { }}

is just fine.

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