Hi all,

I'm trying to resolve a Deprecation message. File.ByChunkImpl is private which cause a compiler message.

Any clue how to to deal with this?
(Deprecation: std.stdio.File.ByChunkImpl is not visible)

struct PutObjectRequest(Range)
        if (isInputRange!Range && is(ElementType!Range == ubyte[]))
        string bucket;
        string key;
        Range content;
        ulong content_size;

auto putObjectRequest(string bucket, string key, string file)
        import std.stdio : File;

        enum chunk_size = 16 * 1024; // 16 KiB
        auto file_ = File(file, "r");

return PutObjectRequest!(File.ByChunkImpl)(bucket, key, file_.byChunk(chunk_size), file_.size);

Appreciate any help!

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