I've got a snippet of code which I have narrowed down to the following:
'import std.stdio;

enum string[] mixins = ["public bool qux(int i, char c)
                throw new Exception(\"not implemented\");
// Add all arguments to a struct and serialize that struct.
            };", "
public bool qux(string s)
                throw new Exception(\"not implemented\");
// Add all arguments to a struct and serialize that struct.

struct C
        static foreach (m; mixins)
                mixin mix!m;

mixin template mix(string s)

void main()
        import std.traits : ReturnType;

        auto c = C();
        pragma(msg, c.qux.mangleof); // writes 'v' to the console
        pragma(msg, ReturnType!(c.qux));

The exact error this returns is as follows:
'Error: template instance std.traits.ReturnType!(qux) does not match template declaration ReturnType(func...)
  with func = (qux)
  must satisfy the following constraint:
source/app.d(34,2): while evaluating pragma(msg, ReturnType!(qux)

As far as I know, this "should" work.
When I delete one of the functions out of the mixin it suddenly compiles with a mangled name, but when I place the second function in there it won't. When calling the mixin directly instead of through the template mixin it breaks with thesame error message.

I don't know if this an actual compiler bug or if this is me not properly understanding D.
I'm using DMD64 D Compiler v2.089.1

Any help is appreciated.

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