On Monday, 30 December 2019 at 23:32:37 UTC, ShadoLight wrote:

I suspect I'm missing something obvious, but ResizerWidget is not working for me on Windows - it shows the 'dragging'-cursor when hovering the mouse on the ResizerWidget, but dragging with the left mouse button does nothing.

I ran into the same issue. The resizeEvent callback is not implemented yet. Below is my custom implementation.

/** A completed resizer widget.
As of 2016-12-30, the ResizerWidget does not work out of the box.
  This class implement the missing piece.
class Resizer : ResizerWidget {

    /// Default initialization.
    this () {
        super ();
        initResizeCb ();

    /// Create with ID parameter.
    this (string ID, Orientation orient = Orientation.Vertical) {
        super (ID, orient);
        initResizeCb ();

    /// Initialize the resize on drag behaviour callback.
    protected void initResizeCb () {
            = (ResizerWidget source,
               ResizerEventType event,
               int currentPosition)
            if (event != ResizerEventType.Dragging) {

            if (_orientation == Orientation.Horizontal) {
auto delta = _previousWidget.width - currentPosition; auto pw = max (0, _previousWidget.width - delta); auto mw = max (0, _nextWidget.width + delta);

                    .minWidth (pw)
                    .maxWidth (pw);

                    .minWidth (mw)
                    .maxWidth (mw);
            else if (_orientation == Orientation.Vertical) {
auto delta = _previousWidget.height - currentPosition; auto pw = max (0, _previousWidget.height - delta); auto mw = max (0, _nextWidget.height + delta);

                    .minHeight (pw)
                    .maxHeight (pw);

                    .minHeight (mw)
                    .maxHeight (mw);

            parent.requestLayout ();

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