On Wednesday, 8 January 2020 at 19:31:13 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
Personally I prefer using SCons (https://scons.org/), but there are plenty of similar build systems out there, like tup, Meson, CMake, etc.. There are also fancier offerings that double as package managers like Gradle, but from the sounds of it you're not interested to do that just yet.

Thanks, I'll look at SCons.

As for using packages or not: I do have some projects where I compile different subsets of .d files separately, for various reasons. Sometimes, it's because I'm producing multiple executables that share a subset of source files. Other times it's for performance reasons, or more specifically, the fact that Vibe.d Diet templates are an absolute *bear* to compile, so I write my SCons rules such that they are compiled separately, and everything else is compiled apart from them, so if no Diet templates change, I can cut quite a lot off my compile times.

So it *is* certainly possible; you just have to be comfortable with getting your hands dirty and writing a few build scripts every now and then. IMO, the time investment is more than worth the reduction in compilation waiting times.

Yes, I can well see the usefulness of package compilation in the multiple executables case - I'll keep that idea in mind.

In my case however, there is only one executable at the moment. The final linking step does not seem to take too much time.

[...] And to be frank, a 200+ file project is *far* larger than any of mine, and surely worth the comparatively small effort of spending a couple of hours to write a build script (makefile, SConscript, what-have-you) for?

Maybe, but as mentioned, if the need for a build configuration is eliminated in the first place, *and* I get to wait only a few seconds to test an idea, I'd rather stick to the current solution for now. No maintenance...

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