On Monday, 13 January 2020 at 11:58:51 UTC, mark wrote:
Both those books are published by Packt who normally have no quality control at all as I've discovered to my cost.

I found working with Packt to be difficult on a lot of levels too. Like chapter 1 of my book had various symbols mangled through the review process... and that made it to print. (I realized the problem through the chapter 2 process at least and fixed most of it there, but once chapter 1 was submitted there was no chance to go back and fix it.)

So like there's stuff like

import foo;;;

with 3 ; actually in there. Ugh. But at least those are easy to fix if you already know basic D syntax and doesn't affect the explanatory text, which (I think anyway) mostly turned quite good.

I also have downloads of the intended code samples on my website:


so you can look there too (and copy/paste more easily!).

also spying the code samples there will give you some idea of what the text is about before buying as well.

I recently did an unofficial second edition of the socket sample on my blog too so that's a freebie lol http://dpldocs.info/this-week-in-d/Blog.Posted_2019_11_11.html#sockets-tutorial

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