On 2/14/20 1:41 AM, cc wrote:
import std.meta;
enum A = AliasSeq!(1, 2, 3, 4);
THREELOOP: static foreach (idx, field; A) {
     static if (field == 3) {
         pragma(msg, "Got a 3!");
         break THREELOOP;
     static if (idx == A.length - 1) {
         static assert(0, "Got no 3...");

What I'd like to achieve in this example is for compilation to fail if the given tuple doesn't contain a matching item.  Is there an easy way to do this?  Trying to break out of the static foreach gives me
Error:enclosing label `THREELOOP` for `break` not found

In this reduced example, I was able to accomplish this by setting some enum within the successful comparison body and then checking e.g. static if (!__traits(compiles, FOUND)) but this breaks down once I start dealing with multiple levels of scope.

static foreach does not support break. Partly because the places where static foreach is allowed do not allow break statements. In your example above, if you are not in a function context, a break statement is not allowed. Note that a naked break statement inside a static foreach that's inside e.g. a switch statement needs a label to ensure the user understands they are breaking the switch, not the static foreach.

foreach does allow breaks. If you use foreach on an AliasSeq, it will work. But again, you must be in a function context.

But remember that static foreach and foreach implement all the bodies given. So every single one has to be compiled, even if it's not used. This can cause problems for things like return statements that make further code not executable.

AND static foreach doesn't introduce a new scope (foreach does). Other than recursive templates, I can't think of a great way to do this. Your enum solution has limits, as you say.


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