Currently this code does not compiles:
    class MyClass
        T opCall(T)(T p)
            return p;

    import std.container.array : Array;

    Array!MyClass arr;
but if you comment out `opCall` in MyClass this code compiles. This is caused by this in std.conv(4434):
        static if (is(typeof(chunk = T(args))))
                chunk = T(args);
The reason is that `is(typeof(chunk = T(args)))` returns true but does not compiles becase MyClass has `opCall`, compiler calls `opCall` but it needs `this` pointer that is unavailable. I replaced it by
        static if (__traits(compiles, chunk = T(args)))
                chunk = T(args);
it works but I'm not sure this good solution. The question is - shouldn't `typeof` return false in this case? if so then the right fix would be fix typeof.
  • is(typeof(...)) vs __traits(c... drug via Digitalmars-d-learn

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