On Thursday, 27 February 2020 at 15:48:53 UTC, bachmeier wrote:
On Thursday, 27 February 2020 at 14:15:26 UTC, p.shkadzko wrote:


This works but it does not look very efficient considering we flatten and then calling array twice. It will get even worse with 3D arrays. Is there a better way without relying on mir.ndslice?

Is there a reason you can't create a struct around a double[] like this?

struct Matrix {
  double[] data;

Then to add Matrix A to Matrix B, you use A.data[] + B.data[]. But since I'm not sure what exactly you're doing, maybe that won't work.

Right! Ok, here is how I do it.

struct Matrix(T)
    T[] elems;
    int cols;

    T[][] to2D()
        return elems.chunks(cols).array;

and Matrix summing and random array generator functions

auto matrixSum(Matrix!int m1, Matrix!int m2)
    Matrix!int m3;
    m3.cols = m1.cols;
    m3.elems.length = m1.elems.length;
    m3.elems[] = m1.elems[] + m2.elems[];
    return m3.to2D;

static T[] rndArr(T)(in T max, in int elems)
    Xorshift rnd;
    return generate(() => uniform(0, max, rnd)).take(elems).array;
Then we do the following

auto m1 = Matrix!int(rndArr!int(10, 5000 * 6000), 6000);
auto m2 = Matrix!int(rndArr!int(10, 5000 * 6000), 6000);
auto m3 = matrixSum(m1, m2);

And it works effortlessly!
Sum of two 5000 x 6000 int arrays is just 0.105 sec! (on a Windows machine though but with weaker CPU).

I bet using mir.ndslice instead of D arrays would be even faster.

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