On Saturday, 29 February 2020 at 13:40:11 UTC, Adnan wrote:
On Saturday, 29 February 2020 at 13:03:21 UTC, Sebastiaan Koppe wrote:
On Saturday, 29 February 2020 at 12:50:59 UTC, Adnan wrote:
* Option!T from the optional package: Has even worse problem IMO. Not only it allows None + int but also it returns a `[]`. This API is not to my liking. You could say well Haskell has fmap for Optional etc, and I am aware of that, so does Rust with map etc. But I am talking about basic things: like `+`.

I would argue it is one of its strengths.

Doesn't that pretty much defeat the entire purpose of type-guarding a potentially error/absent value?

Like I said, I don't use optionals when I care about errors. That is not what they are designed for.

If I want to type-guard potential errors I will use SumType!(T, Error). It forces you to handle both cases, either at compile time (with the match template), or at runtime (with the tryMatch template).

The power of optionals, however, lies in the following:


Here doSomething will only be called when the list contains at least one item. Here I don't care about cases where the list is empty, I just want to doSomething if it isn't.

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