On 3/9/20 9:23 AM, mark wrote:
I have this struct:

struct Deb {
     string name;
     Unit[string] tags; // set of tags

     Deb copy() const {
         Deb deb;
         foreach (key, value; tags) // XXX
             deb.tags[key] = value;
         return deb;

     void clear() {
         name = "";


I am populating an AA with these structs:

Deb[string] debForName;

I'm using this approach (pseudo-code):

Deb deb;
foreach (datum; data) {
     populateDeb(datum, deb);
     debForName[deb.name] = deb.copy; // YYY

(1) XXX Is there a nicer way to copy an AA?

aa.dup. However, this isn't going to work in a const member function (though technically there shouldn't be anything wrong with it).

(2) YYY Is there a nicer way to copy a struct? Use a copy constructor or implement a dup or idup?

I would name it dup instead of copy for consistency with D. A copy constructor is pretty heavy for a struct to do a complete duplication of the AA. You should have to opt-in to that.


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