Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
Tom S wrote:
Don wrote:
bearophile wrote:
While writing code that works on matrices I have found something curious...

Here's what I think is going on. AFAIK, D hasn't got any special code for initializing jagged arrays. So
        auto A = new double[][](N, N);
involves N+1 memory allocations.
As well as being slow, this is going to give horrible locality of reference in the memory allocation. You'll suffer cache misses on almost every array access!

I don't think this has anything to do with bounds checking.

Nah, it's about NaNs :)

Version #1 initializes C to NaN, Version #2 initializes it to 0. The 'init mats randomly' loop doesn't touch C at all, thus all the latter additions leave C at NaN, causing lots of FP exceptions.

We actually had something like this happen in Deadlock a few times in the animation subsystem. Brought the framerate down to a single digit :D

I swear I wrote my previous message before reading this :o). Damn you're right. I hadn't seen the bug in initialization. But since version #2 uses malloc, isn't that memory garbage (possibly, but not necessarily, zero)?

Damn, you're right too ;) I always forget whether malloc or calloc initializes to zero. According to my tests, DMD/Tango's malloc returns mostly zeroes in bearophile's test anyway.

Tomasz Stachowiak
h3/h3r3tic on #D freenode

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