Leandro Lucarella wrote:
Christopher Wright, el  6 de diciembre a las 09:06 me escribiste:
Fawzi Mohamed wrote:
So yes one could probably switch back to the old Phobos style.
I would guess that it is not really a common situation for a program to become 
single threaded again, though...
At work, we have a single-threaded application -- everything happens on the GUI thread. There are some operations that take a long time, though. For those, we throw up a spinny dialog box. But if these operations happened on the GUI thread, the spinny dialog box would not spin. So we do the expensive operations on a background thread.

So, our application becomes multithreaded on rare occasions and becomes 
single-threaded again after.

Not sure how common this is.

I think this is pretty common in GUI applications, but I don't think GUI
applications usually are performance critical, right?

Maya? Combustion? Final Cut Pro? Photoshop? Visual Studio (it shouldn't be, but it can get damn slow on occasion)?

Heck, most GUI programs seem like they "could be faster". Opening Outlook takes 30 seconds. Firefox takes 5-10 seconds to start. Even Windows Explorer feels sluggish (to its credit, much less so than Gnome or KDE). I'm not sure if this translates to "performance-critical", but it's certainly something to think about.

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