Reply to Nick,

I had never heard of that before, but it certainly seems like
something I'd find useful. Any time I'm using for or foreach to find
something, I end up having to use some sort of "isFound" flag and
check that after the loop. A for...else would be much nicer, for


// vs:

foreach(char[] key, Foo f; fooAA)
if(f.someFlag && key in barAA && f.someVal > barAA[key].someVal)
break; // found

Wait, that's not the way I would expect else to work. You (and and it would seem python) would have the else clause run if the loop is terminated by the for/foreach rater than a break/goto. I would expect that the else clause would be executed if the loop is terminated before the first iteration.

I think your expectation would be a good feature but I can't really see else being the right keyword to use. How about "finally"? Or another option with scope(*) like "fallthrough"?

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