== Quote from Andrei Alexandrescu (seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org)'s article
> (I originally emailed this to Walter and a couple others, but I thought
> it might be better to gather insights from the community.)
> I'm gearing up for changing std.algorithm, and I am thinking of making
> the major change of favoring lazy evaluation throughout. For example,
> consider the map function. Right now map allocates and returns a new
> vector, for example:
> int[] arr = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ];
> auto squares = map!("a * a")(arr);
> assert(squares == [ 1, 4, 9, 16 ]);
> What happens is unfortunate because (1) all evaluation is done upfront
> even if it is only partially needed, (2) allocation is done every call,
> (3) the whole scheme won't work with unbounded inputs, e.g. generators
> or even large files.
> So now that we have nice range support in the language, I'm thinking
> very seriously of switching full-bore to lazy semantics. In that case
> map returns a range - a little struct that saves the input and trickles
> out results one at a time.
> One nice thing about lazy is that lazy includes eager. If you actually
> want to "eagerize" map, you just call eager against the returned range:
> int[] arr = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ];
> auto squares = eager(map!("a * a")(arr));
> assert(squares == [ 1, 4, 9, 16 ]);
> The real advantage comes when you actually exploit the laziness, e.g.:
> int[] arr = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ];
> auto squares = map!("a * a")(arr);
> foreach (x; squares) {
>      writeln(x);
> }
> Look ma, no allocation!
> I just wanted to gauge your opinion on this. It is a major departure
> from the STL, and I think in the right direction. It is a departure
> nonetheless and some STL users might feel uncomfortable.
> Also, lazy evaluation has the risk of getting confusing as there's a lot
> of escaping. Consider:
> int[] arr = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ];
> auto squares = map!("a * a")(arr);
> arr[] = [ 5, 6, 7, 8 ];
> Now iterating squares will see different numbers than the original ones.
> Please let me know what you think!
> Andrei

I absolutely love it!  Frankly, the convenience of std.algorithm is the greatest
thing since sliced arrays, but all the memory allocation is sometimes pretty
inefficient, so I end up coding lots of stuff at a lower level to avoid this.  
thing, though, is that I would like to see eager() know whether whatever it's
eager-izing has a predetermined length, and if so, what that predetermined 
is, so it can get by with a single allocation.  As far as the confusingness of
lazy evaluation, it might take some getting used to, but the really hard cases
could be solved by just using eager() anyhow, and we wouldn't be any worse off
than if lazy weren't supported.

Really, the only downside I see is slightly clumsier syntax when eager 
is needed.  IMHO, this could be improved if eager() were, at least 
a property of ranges, for example:

map!("a * a")(arr).eager();

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