On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 8:53 AM, Sergey Gromov <snake.sc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Mon, 19 Jan 2009 07:17:16 +0900, Bill Baxter wrote:
>> Here's a modified version of one of the DWT opengl snippets that
>> reproduces the crash for me.
>> About 1 in 10-15 runs this will crash (seems to be inside the GL
>> driver) soon after startup with the error:
>> """
>> dwt.DWTException.DWTException: Failed to execute runnable
>> object.Exception: Access Violation
>> """
>> Can anyone else reproduce this (particularly Vista users)?
>> I'd be happy to send the exe to anyone who would like to try it off
>> list.  But it's a 3MB exe  (compresses to about .7 MB).
> Yes I can.  From the first try.
> I've got an XP Home laptop, core 2 duo at 1.83GHz, 1GB RAM, GeForce Go
> 7600.  DWT is trunk r119.  Derelict is trunk r308.
> The executable is 2MB, built in about 6.5s.
> It's almost 100% reproducible.  I mean it worked only once out of ~30
> tries.

Another question for you Sergey, do you have VSync turned off by any chance?
If this is some kind of multi-threading race situation, then not
having VSync on could maybe be increasing the frequency with which the
threads stomp on each other.

Also note that to get the crash to happen it seemed to be necessary to
add both the menu and the CTabFolder to that example.
Additionally I just noticed that if I click and hold on the tab's
text, the gl updates pause for about a second but then resume.  This
is coincidentally about as long as the program seems to run before it
crashes for me (when it does crash).  So maybe there's some kind of
background thread being used by that CTabItem.


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