dsimcha wrote:
== Quote from Andrei Alexandrescu (seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org)'s article
I'm working on the new range stuff and the range-based algorithm. In all
likelihood, you all might be pleased with the results.
I wanted to gauge opinions on a couple of issues. One is, should the
empty() member function for ranges be const? On the face of it it
should, but I don't want that to be a hindrance. I presume non-const
empty might be necessary sometimes, e.g. figuring out if a stream is
empty effectively means fetching an element off it.

Play devil's advocate with me.  Given that making empty() non-const would make 
internal implementation of things more flexible, and that next() has to be
non-const, so the range interface as a whole is non-const, what is the practical
advantage to making empty() const?

If empty, head, toe, opIndex, and length are const, there's plenty you can do with the const range. The problem is that there are higher-order range that need to make assumptions about the underlying range. Consider a simple range Retro that iterates another range in reverse order:

struct Retro(R)
    private R _original;
    bool empty() { return _original.empty; }

Should Retro make empty const or non-const? If it does, then ranges that make const non-empty won't work with Retro. If it doesn't, then users can't use empty for a const Retro.

Second, there are arguably some range-related constructs that do not
really qualify as "algorithms" (some of these are inspired from
Haskell's standard library):
1. repeat(x) => returns an infinite range consisting of the element x
2. take(n, range) => takes at most n elements out of a range (very
useful with infinite ranges!)
3. cycle(range)
and a few others. I defined a new module called std.range that contains
range fundamentals. Should I put these functions in there, or in
std.algorithm? Or should I just merge them both to avoid confusion? If
not, where to I draw the line between "it's an algorithm" and "it's a
range utility"?

I think these Haskell inspired functions belong in std.range.  To me an 
is something that manipulates the contents of a range, i.e. the actual values
contained in the range.  A range utility is something that doesn't care what's 
the range, and just affects the way the range is iterated over, etc.  A good 
for this would be to assume that the contents of the range are null references. 
range utility would still work because it doesn't care what the actual contents
are.  An algorithm (at least one that does anything useful other than initialize
the references) could not work in this case.

That's an excellent principle! Range functions deal with the range's topology, algorithms deal with the range's content. Thanks a lot.


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