Reply to dsimcha,

I've been thinking a little about the idea of returning tuples from
functions, w.r.t. Bugzilla 2628
(   Would it be
feasible to solve this by making struct[index] for any struct w/o an
opIndex overload equivalent to struct.tupleof[index]?  This would be
trivial syntactic sugar, but would allow user-defined tuples in Phobos
to look like a builtin tuple, be returned from functions, etc., while
changing very little under the hood.   Furthermore, for functions that
take a tuple, we could allow structs to be implicitly cast to tuples,

struct Foo {
uint u;
float f;
void doStuff(uint myInt, float myFloat) {}

Foo foo;
doStuff(foo);  // Implicitly casts to foo.tupleof, works.

I like the first part some (but not without reservations). As for the second bit... I don't like it. It would make overload resolution to tricky, if not at the compiler level than at the eyeball level.

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