== Quote from Robert Fraser (fraseroftheni...@gmail.com)'s article
> Nicolay Korslund wrote:
> > The exception problem and C could be sidestepped altogether by compiling to
C++ instead of pure C. All the major console SDKs at least will compile C++. 
doesn't mean we would need to use any more C++ features like classes or 
the result could be pretty much "C with exceptions". An added benefit would be
automatic eh compatibility with existing C++ code, on all platforms.
> At the expense of D->D compatibility...

Who cares?  If D really takes off as a language, eventually there will be 
native D
compilers for everything.  What we need now, though, is a way to get better
platform support and solve our chicken and egg problem (not that many people are
interested in working on native D compilers for more obscure platforms b/c D 
that popular, D won't become that popular until there's less FUD about platform
support).  I think that getting this sooner rather than later would be a good
thing even if it is a massive kludge and only works for standalone programs.

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