Bill Baxter wrote:
On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 2:30 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu
<>  wrote:
Walter Bright wrote:
double euclideanDistance(Range)(Range a, Range b, double limit)
    limit *= limit;
    double result = 0;
    for (; 1;,
        if (a.empty)
        auto t = a.head - b.head;
        result += t * t;
        if (result>= limit) break;
    return sqrt(result);
Gotta give it to The Man!

So after all I couldn't find a good use for goto.

Meh.  I dislike seeing things like for(; 1; ) or while(true) in a loop
(unless it's something like a top level message processing loop or
such).  At least in your goto version I know from a glance at the
for() part  that at most we're going to iterate till the thing is

Wherever did the foreach(auto foo in bar) feature request go? Or did that conflict with existing syntax?

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