bearophile wrote:
What I can tell you is that I now know both Python and
D (I know Python more, but my experience of D is getting sufficient),
and I am usually able to write correct programs in quite less time in
Python. "correct programs" includes unit tests, debugging, global
testing, etc too. It's not easy to tell when a program is "debugged
enough", it's an art. To write a "correct" program in C I need even
more time and sometimes at the end I am not sure yet the program is
debugged enough (despite I know C for far more time than D).

This is definitely strongly related to experience. I find that over time coding in any language, I gradually write fewer and fewer bugs. I essentially learn how to avoid the ones peculiar to that particular language.

A lot of influence on D comes from trying to design out of existence particular bugs in C/C++ that cost me a lot of time and effort to track down. I tend to not make those errors anymore in my C/C++ code, but the taste is still bitter and the learning curve is long. Others shouldn't have to follow the same path.

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