Robert Fraser <> wrote:

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
Christopher Wright wrote:
Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

I'm looking for a catchy phrase denoting this D idiom:

template Blah(Stuff)
   alias ... Blah;

i.e., defining inside a template a symbol of the same name as the template itself. Then you can use Blah!(X, Y) to mean Blah!(X, Y).Blah.

What would be a catchy, descriptive, and memorable phrase for this?



My heart fell among my other integrated circuits. Looks like a huge winner. Thanks Christopher. Oh boy. I wasn't even dreaming about something *this* good.

If it's called this, I will have flashbacks to Linear Algebra every time I use it. Just reading this thread brought back my PTSD.

And here I thought that'd be a good thing...


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