Robert Clipsham, the pages are indeed improved a lot. Thank you for your work.

>with all benchmarks limited to 256mb memory usage<

- Some benchmarks of the Shootout site will probably need more than 256 mb of 

> The only request I believe I've missed (correct me if I'm wrong!) is a C 
> or C++ reference. This was planned for inclusion, but I couldn't come to 
> a conclusion on which compiler to include and whether to use C or C++.
> Before you suggest having multiple references, I would rather only have 
> one reference otherwise it becomes more general language benchmarks 
> rather than D.

The purpose of the reference is to see how far are the D implementations from 
"a good enough" compilation. In most cases this means that you can time a C or 
C++ version (in some benchmarks other languages are faster than C/C++, but for 
the moment we can ignore this).
So my suggest is just to take a look at the Shootout site, where you take your 
code from (D implementations aren't present anymore, but there are kept 
elsewhere if you need them), and use the C version every time it's the faster 
between the C and C++ ones, and use the C++ version in the other cases (I give 
preference to the C version because they are generally simpler).

Few notes:
- I may also offer you few more benchmarks not present in the Shootout site.
- Now I suggest you to add more benchmarks.
- Did you strip the executable produced by ldc and gdc? (If you do it, or you 
don't do it, then add a note that says it).
- What is the trouble of nbody with gdc?
- when you give an URL into an email or post I suggest you to not put a full 
stop "." at the end, otherwise the person that reads the post may have to 
delete it manually later from the URL. If you really want to add a full stop or 
a closing parentheses, put a space before it, like this: 
( ).
- The compilation times are too much small, so such values are probably noisy. 
So you may add another value: you can compile all the programs and take the 
total time required (this isn't the sum of the single compilation times). 
Otherwise you may need a different benchmark, a much longer D program, that you 
can compile with all three compilers.
- From your results it seems ldc needs more memory to run the programs. The LDC 
team may take a look at this.


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