Jason House schrieb:
> Walter Bright Wrote:
>> Frank Benoit wrote:
>>> DMD 1.041 on windows does support response files, that is a file
>>> containing arguments.
>>> On Linux dmd does not understand that.
>> The windows response files date back to the problem DOS/Windows had with 
>> only a very short command line length was allowed. So the arguments were 
>> put into a file instead.
>> It's probably a good idea to do it for Linux, too.
> Ick. Why? Command files are hacks for Window's shortcomings. Why spread such 
> hacks across all platforms? The linux command line is already well adapted to 
> handle this kind of thing.

Because, imagine you set up a build process for your application. Why
should i have to care about that difference in my 'makefile',
'rakefile', ... whatever ?

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