Sun, 29 Mar 2009 17:42:48 -0400, Chad J wrote:

> Simon TRENY wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have a class "A" and I'd like to keep a list of all the created instances 
>> of this class. To do that, I have a static List!(A) in the A class and, in 
>> the constructor, I add each new instance to this list. This gives me the 
>> following code:
>> class A {
>>    private static List!(A) s_instances;
>>    public this() {
>>       s_instances.add(this);
>>    }
>>    public ~this() {
>>       s_instances.remove(this);
>>    }
>>    public static void printAll() {
>>       foreach (A instance; s_instances)
>>          print(instance.toString());
>>    }
>> }
>> But then, since all the instances are referenced by the static list, they 
>> are never garbage-collected, which could be a problem. In some other 
>> languages, this can be solved using weak references, but I haven't found any 
>> informations about using weak references in D. Is there any way to solve 
>> this problem?
>> Thanks,
>> Simon
> Maybe what you are looking for are the GC.removeRoot or GC.removeRange
> functions which are available in both Phobos and Tango?

You can remove only something previously added.  Since a static array is
not a root nor a range of roots, you can't make it invisible to GC this

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