dsimcha, el 11 de abril a las 05:21 me escribiste:
> == Quote from Leandro Lucarella (llu...@gmail.com)'s article
> > Andrei Alexandrescu, el 10 de abril a las 16:49 me escribiste:
> > > >And Braddr just made a documentation fix, and Walter only commits
> > > >portability stuff and an occasional bug fix now and then, so...
> > > >Yes, it really looks like a five-person show =)
> > > >I think most work in Phobos now it's done by Andrei, there are other
> > > >*collaborators* (the four other you named plus people sending patches), 
> > > >but
> > > >it looks like Andrei's show to me. This is not necessarily bad, it's
> > > >definitely  better than before, when it was Walter's show, now at least 
> > > >he
> > > >can dedicate his efforts in the compiler and language and Phobos is 
> > > >having
> > > >a lot more attention.
> > >
> > > We'll be very happy to integrate credited contributions from anyone, and
> > > to give dsource.org write access to serious participants. What I think
> > > right now stands in the way of large participation to Phobos is that we
> > > all still learn the ropes of D2; the possibilities are dizzying and we
> > > haven't quite zeroed in on a particular style. Nonetheless, as it's been
> > > noticed I'm always summoning help from this group. So again, if you feel
> > > you want to contribute with ideas and/or code, don't hesitate.
> > I hope I can come up with something useful with my thesis (improving D's
> > GC) and I can contribute that. Right now all my energies are focused on
> > that, and I'm very close to the point to finally start playing with
> > alternate implementations.
> > BTW, is there any real interest in adding some more power to the GC
> > implementator to allow some kind of moving or generational collector?
> Absolutely.  When writing parallel code to do large scale data mining in D, 
> the
> lack of precision and multithreaded allocation are real killers.  My interests
> are, in order of importance:
> 1.  Being able to allocate at least small chunks of memory without locking.
> 2.  Precise scanning of at least the heap.
> 3.  Collection w/o stopping the world.
> 4.  Moving GC so that allocations can be pointer bumps.

3. is my main goal right now. I think 1. can be done using thread-specific
free lists/pools. 2. Is possible too, but bigger changes are needed,
specially in the compiler side (1. and 3. can be completely done in the GC
implementation). 4. is not 100% possible because we can never have a 100%
precise GC, but can be very close if 2. is fixed =)

Do you have example program that I can use for a benchmark suite?

Thank you.

Leandro Lucarella (luca) | Blog colectivo: http://www.mazziblog.com.ar/blog/
GPG Key: 5F5A8D05 (F8CD F9A7 BF00 5431 4145  104C 949E BFB6 5F5A 8D05)
He cometido pecados, he hecho el mal, he sido víctima de la envidia, el
egoísmo, la ambición, la mentira y la frivolidad, pero siempre he sido
un padre argentino que quiere que su hijo triunfe en la vida.
        -- Ricardo Vaporeso

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