Paul D. Anderson wrote:
Joel C. Salomon Wrote:

Paul D. Anderson wrote:
Multiplying two floats produces a number whose potential precision is the sum 
of the operands' precision. We need a method to determine what the precision of 
the product should be. Not that it's difficult to come up with an answer -- but 
we have to agree on something.
Not more precision than the input data deserve.  The decimal
floating-point numbers of the new IEEE 754-2008 carry with them a notion
of “how precise is this result?�; this might be a good starting point
for discussion.

—Joel Salomon

The implementation will comply with IEEE 754-2008. I just wanted to illustrate 
that precision can depend on the operation as well as the operands.


I'm not sure why you think there needs to be a precision depending on the operation. The IEEE 754-2008 has the notion of "Widento" precision, but AFAIK it's primarily to support x87 -- it's pretty clear that the normal mode of operation is to use the precision which is the maximum precision of the operands. Even when there is a Widento mode, it's only provided for the non-storage formats (Ie, 80-bit reals only).

I think it should operate the way int and long does:
typeof(x*y) is x if x.mant_dig >= y.mant_dig, else y.
What you might perhaps do is have a global setting for adjusting the default size of a newly constructed variable. But it would only affect constructors, not temporaries inside expressions.

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