> I think we're just making problems for ourselves by allowing these useless 
> operations. I think they should be killed. Does anyone object? (If not, I'll 
> create a patch to do it; it's not very difficult).<

I agree to disallow/fix those things.
And thanks for your work!


>Show of hands, how many people here actually use D's complex numbers on a 
>regular enough basis that you would miss them if they were removed from the 
>core language completely?<

D is in a flux state still, so I think very few engineer/scientists are using 
it (I am not using complex numbers). So probably the answers your will receive 
will not be enough to judge future true usages of the D language.
A possible solution is to remove complex types now from D2 (moving them in 
Phobos and Tango), and later if enough people ask for them, to put them back 
into the built-ins.
Are there problems in adding them back later if they are asked for and regarded 
as useful?


Andrei Alexandrescu:
>Since you're looking into this already, I suggest we move for the kill and 
>eliminate built-in complex.<

Is the current semantics fully doable with std lib complex numbers?


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