On Thursday, 1 November 2012 at 15:56:24 UTC, Tobias Pankrath wrote:
On Thursday, 1 November 2012 at 15:20:11 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
On 11/1/12 9:47 AM, Paulo Pinto wrote:
Hi everyone,

I just saw this online.

The German magazine c't kompakt has an article about cool(exotic)
programming languages, Smalltalk, Haskell and D.

Personally, I like all of them.

Here is the link for the German speaking developers.



Would love to read that. Far as I understand the article ("Exotische Sprache") is not freely available, is that correct?


You need to buy the hole issue for 7€ here http://www.heise-shop.de/heise-zeitschriften-vlg-g/ct-kompakt-programmieren_pid_19862609.html

It's DRM protected. I wouldn't expect to much.

I read the print version of the D article and I have to say that I'm quite disappointed:

- The author seems to be talking about D1.0 but not about any new D2.0 features. As a new D2 user I don't really know about the exact differences between D1 and D2. - For example the source code uses char[] as string type which doesn't compile with the D2 compiler - Descent is introduced as an IDE but it actually has been dead for quite some time.
- Dsource.org is mentioned as a source of the D community.
- D features mentioned: dynamic and static arrays with slices, missing preprocessor, debug/version tags, short overview of delegates & lambdas, very short paragraph about templates, lazy parameter, design by contract features (in/out/invariant), inline assembler and scope statements. - There is also a paragraph about memory managament where D is described as garbage collector centered but allows manual memory managment using the "delete" keyword and overloading new/delete operators (which is deprecated, right?).
- There are no examples of phobos
- D2 features like UFCS, CTFE or just the powerful type system including immutable aren't mentioned at all.

The author draws a very positive conclusion about D in which he states that D allows to write high-performance code which still looks maintainable. As target audience he sees C/C++ programmers but also C# and Java developers.

Anyway I think the article has been written some years ago and was just warmed up to be included in the special edition of c't. I'll try to contact the author to point out the things mentioned above.


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