Le 31/10/2012 21:33, Chris Nicholson-Sauls a écrit :
Some related actual code from a while back:

ParseTree prune ( ParseTree p ) {
p.children = p.children.dup;
foreach ( ref child ; p.children ) {
child = prune( child );

switch ( p.ruleName ) {
// strip prefix/suffix terminals, then if left with only one child, skip
over it
case "Args" :
case "List" :
case "Params" :
case "Table" : p.children = p.children[ 1 .. $ - 1 ];
if ( p.children.length == 1 ) {

// skip over immediate child (always a "Series")
case "QualIdent" :
case "Type" : p.children = p.children[ 0 ].children;

// skip self if it has exactly one child
case "Addition" :
case "BoolAnd" :
case "BoolOr" :
case "Comparison" :
case "Conditional" :
case "MaybeParens" :
case "Multiplication" :
case "Postfix" :
case "Primary" :
case "Unary" : if ( p.children.length == 1 ) {

// skip self
case "Expression" :
case "Field" :
case "Ident" :
case "Literal" :
case "PathElem" :
case "Statement" : p = p.children[ 0 ];


return p;

Without the loosely defined switch() statement syntax, this would have
been a royal pain to piece together. Especially when each block of cases
was evolving over time.

There is also the trick of doing 'switch(val) with(EnumType) {...}' to
bring an enum's members into scope so that cases can be written as 'case
Foo:' rather than 'case EnumType.Foo:'.

-- Chris Nicholson-Sauls

Wow this is not actually the case presented in y first post, but still very interesting.

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