Dear D community, I do not know about You, but I certainly do not like writing code like:

  .bazRange(param1, param2).outRange;

I also tried to use operators ">>" and "~" but these make it confusing and hard to understand what the statement actually does.

Therefore I would like to know what do you think about the idea of having additional operator exclusively made for ranges? This operator would make it obvious that data are "streamed" (lack of better term) among ranges.

The first name I could come up with was "opArrow" but "opData" could also be okay, and operator would be either "~>" or "->".

This would give us an obvious, unambiguous statement: ~> filter1(param) ~> fooRange ~> Console.out;
// Console is an imaginary class/struct

arr ~> odd ~> random ~> randomOdd;

I humbly believe that ranges are one of the most important concepts in D and that, plus the readability increase are two valid reasons for having this new operator.

I am also asking this because my point of view is strictly pragmatic - there may be technical reasons why we should not have this, or why we should have it done some other way, so please share your opinion.

Kind regards

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