On Wednesday, 7 November 2012 at 08:36:49 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
On 2012-11-06 22:53, Walter Bright wrote:

C++11 has had problems adding new keywords, as about every identifier somewhere has been used by someone's C++ source code, and they don't want to break existing code. So C++11 winds up with awful things like

Just create a new attribute, call it "builtin" or something similar, which takes attributes as arguments, i.e.

@builtin(shared) int a;
@builtin(property) int b;

I'm not suggesting that we should change the existing @shared and @property, I just used them as an example.

I honestly don't get why we keep reinventing the concept of namespaces.
I agree with Jonathan regarding the identifier look-up rules in D.
"std.algorithm.find" really should be *the default* unless the user specifically aliases that to "find" whereas now we have the exact opposite. But even without this we still should use D's already existing namespace solution - *the module system*. We should take a lesson from other platforms such as Java and .NET where everything is neatly organized. Let's stop this global identifiers nightmare!

On that note, here's some things we *should not do*:
- put unrelated random stuff in object.d
- add more redundant ways to define namespaces such as __identifier, builtin(identifier), @attribute(identifier), @identifier, etc, etc.. - add more @keywords because they conflict with global identifiers. - have _huge_ single modules in Phobos that contain everything and ythe kitchen sink. I still hate with passion the "std.algorithm" "module". It's like opening a shop called "A Shop" or naming a newspaper "Newspaper".

Proper organization is not inherently evil and we should not complicate the language design to compensate our current sloppiness.

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