On 11/09/12 07:41, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
> Of course, it'd be even nicer still to have all this wrapped up in
> some language sugar (D3? ;) ) and just do something like:
> struct interface InputRange {
>     // ... *declare* .empty, .front, .popFront here
> }
> struct interface ForwardRange : InputRange {
>     // ... *declare* .save here
> }
> struct MyForwardRange : ForwardRange {
>     // ... define .empty, .front, .popFront, .save here
>     // Actually validated by the compiler
> }
> Which would then amount to what we're doing by hand up above. So kinda
> like Go, except not error-prone and ducky and all shitty.

This would actually be backwards compatible and also relatively
forward compatible - does not need to wait for a D3.

However, while it's a step in the right direction, doing it like
that would be to limiting. Compare with:

   interface template InputRange(T) {
      enum InputRange = __traits(compiles, {T r; /* check the i/f here */});
   struct MyInputRange : InputRange {
      enum empty = false;
      enum front = 42;
      void popFront() {}

Ie requiring a certain interface to be present is fine, requiring a certain
set of function signatures is too restrictive (and could still be done inside
the interface-template when necessary).
I used "interface-templates" because this feature should not clash with
/normal/ struct inheritance, once that one emerges.

All the boilerplate in the InputRange template above could be made implicit
and it could then look like this:

   interface template InputRange(T) {
       T r;
       bool e = r.empty;
       auto f = r.front;
       throw("Not an input range"); // "static throw", "assert", whatever.

These i/f templates would also be useful in places where the current
'isInputRange' hack is used; would significantly improve both readability
and error reporting (that's the reason for the else clause). 

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