On 11/12/2012 05:27 PM, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
The current "workaround" is to just dummy it.
alias bool Dummy;
Dummy[string] names;
names["Paul"] = true; //Ew.

Make a wrapper?

The problem with wrapped versions of associative arrays is that they just don't scale with number of keys. If I want to store (say) a set of 3 million size_t's, then it costs a lot more than 3_000_000 * size_t.sizeof() to do so this way.

Do dedicated set implementations do better than this?

I should say that my own interests in an implementation of set are twofold -- first, efficient storage; and second, being able to do an efficient foreach across the stored values, without any concern for order.

Or rather call them sets and have them in the library.

The whole builtin-vs.-library thing seems a big distraction -- if something needs to be implemented, the library seems the natural place unless there's a very good reason otherwise.

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