On Wednesday, 14 November 2012 at 22:23:17 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
On 11/14/2012 3:06 AM, Simen Kjaeraas wrote:
But the syntax for built-in types is better, in that you don't need to write:

auto x = int(1);

If you're going to argue that D should have some facility to create user-defined literals that are arbitrary sequences of arbitrary characters, I think you're taking Guy's advice way beyond the breaking point.

Hmmm... Correct me if I'm wrong, but you can create/use opAssign, correct? Although that doesn't work during initialization...

struct MyInt
  int i;
  ref MyInt opAssign(int rhs) {
    i = rhs;
    return this;

MyInt x = MyInt(10);
MyInt y; // = 15; //cannot implicity convert
y = 15;


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