On 11/14/12, Alex Rønne Petersen <a...@lycus.org> wrote:
> You need to manually configure your monospaced font in Phabricator in
> your display preferences.

I did again and using latest Chrome. I can set font settings from the
the code diff via View Options -> Configure Editor, but no matter what
font I type in and click save it doesn't change the diff font.

Here's what the diff looks like: http://i.imgur.com/TGArz.png

That font is Arial, and it stays that way no matter what I put in the
font settings. And in another view I a different font is rendered:

Might just be a bug. Btw, what does "Clowncopterize" and "Cook the
books" mean? I hate software that tries to act cute. It also doesn't
have a good folder tree view, files and folders are intermixed. But
maybe there's a setting for this somewhere..

Anyway all of that is nitpicking, I don't want to be negative towards
this software if it would actually make us review and merge pulls
faster. SVN->Github was a win, maybe this would be one too.. I have no
experience using Phabricator so I don't know. From a first look it
seemed complicated compared to Github, maybe with time it would grow
on me.

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