On Friday, 30 November 2012 at 06:05:51 UTC, 1100110 wrote:
Take for example Gerrit + Jenkins: Every commit is first sent to Gerrit. Gerrit triggers Jenkins to run all unit tests over the new commit. Jenkins reports the result back to Gerrit. If all tests are green and another developer gives his "Looks good to me" (lgtm) then the commit is applied to
the target branch.

How would this fit into the Stable model?

Assuming 3 branches, I doubt it would be prudent to run every test multiple times.

I'm pretty much done for the day, so will look what you wrote up in detail tomorrow.

One quick suggestion before I call it a day, is for there to be an "experimental branch" for the great minds behind D to play around with (eg UDA's etc). We probably don't want experimental stuff going directly into a branch that is destined for stable. Unstable should be for items that are relatively finalized in terms of design and agreement that the concept is to be eventually incorporated into stable, i.e., moving a new feature into unstable starts the refinement process towards a stable release of that feature.

We could say that individual forks are good for experimental work, so there's no need for an official experimental branch, however, that will leave out the unconnected people who may want to tinker with the latest and greatest ideas that are being worked on.

I don't know really, this is just something I'm tossing out for consideration. Debian has an experimental branch, and I have a lot of respect for what that organization has achieved, so it's probably there for a good reason.


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