On Sunday, December 09, 2012 18:10:42 Ellery Newcomer wrote:
> Is anyone else noticing e.g. std.datetime taking upwards of 30 seconds
> to render the blob of links at the top? It's freakin freezing my entire
> browser.

The link situation definitely needs to be fixed. People keep making noise 
it, but nothing has yet actually made it into dmd or d-programming-
language.org to fix it. Also, std.datetime should be split up into sub-modules, 
but I don't want to do that until some form of DIPs 15 or 16 is implemented. 
That way, no code will break or be be forced to change as a result.


But until the link situation is fixed or std.datetime is split up, I'm not 
aware of anything that can really be done to fix the problem.

- Jonathan M Davis

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