On Monday, 10 December 2012 at 23:41:25 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
Hello all,

Walter and I have had a long discussion following his trip to Australia. Following the current sprint for Win64 (which we all, I think, agree was long overdue and had to be done), the main area we need to work on (as I'm sure many would agree) is improving our process, in particular the approach to releasing the compiler and standard library.

Walter has delegated me to lead this effort, and agreed to obey with whatever process comes forward as long as it's reasonably clear and simple.

In turn, I'll be collecting thoughts and opinions in this thread, distilled from previous discussions. We should develop a few simple git scripts (such as git-start-new-feature or git-start-bugfix etc) supported by an equally simple piece of documentation describing how to start a new release, fix a bug, experiment with a new feature, and such.

(One piece that has been brought forward is http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/ - something to keep in mind.)

As someone who uses the git workflow described in this link every single day let me say I'm a big fan. It's so well documented (and widely used) that it should be pretty easy for everyone to adopt and it provides a lot of real benefits to a project. From the look of it most contributors already use feature branches for their pull requests so this should be a pretty simple transition.

Please chime in with ideas and thoughts.

I like the idea of having a release manager (that changes to whoever volunteers for each release). It'll take some of the release time pressure off of Walter (at least for the times he isn't the release manager) and raise D's bus factor (which is very close to being above 1 these days) as the release process is documented and shared among several individuals. I imagine the role of release manager being fairly laid back though (it is a volunteer job still). Their responsibilities would be rolling the betas and actual releases and just being the point-man who goes through and makes sure all the pull requests that are ready to merge are merged and last minute regressions are acknowledged.


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