On 11-12-2012 19:11, Robert Jacques wrote:
On Tue, 11 Dec 2012 11:25:44 -0600, Alex Rønne Petersen <a...@lycus.org>
On 11-12-2012 08:29, Rainer Schuetze wrote:
On 11.12.2012 01:04, Alex Rønne Petersen wrote:




From what I could find in e.g. the Boehm GC, there seems to be
significant work done to catch interior pointers in addition to base
pointers (grep for GC_all_interior_pointers and related symbols).

*Ahem* Arguments regarding performance require A) hard numbers and B)
are implementation specific.

Yes, but I'm not really here to convince anyone about whether interior pointers are needed or not. I was looking for input on the soundness of my proposal in order to /avoid/ interior pointers. Just that.

That is to say: I don't care enough about arguing this particular point to actually construct a benchmark. If you don't think interior pointers are a problem, that is fine, but then your input on the proposal probably isn't very useful, because even if I took back my argument about performance, interior pointers are still a very real problem for D integration into the CLI.


Suppose we have a field int* p;

p _isn't_ a slice, so you're 'fixes' don't apply.

I was replying to Rainer's question about interior pointers and type precision in general. You're taking my reply way out of context.


So we have to look at the pointer and first figure out what kind of
memory block it is /actually/ pointing to before we have any kind of
type info available (just the knowledge that it's of type int* is not
particularly useful by itself other than knowing that it could be a
pointer at all).

How is p >> 12 slow or difficult? (Assuming log2(PageSize) == 12)

Doesn't look slow and difficult to me. But it depends on the GC implementation, as you said. :)

So the TL;DR is: We avoid extra work to figure out the actual type of
the memory something is pointing to by simply making such cases illegal.

At the cost of extra work and more memory everywhere arrays are used.


Whether that is practical, I do not know, and I don't plan to push for
it anytime soon at least. But it has to be done for D to ever run on
the CLI.

The issue with the CLI has nothing to do with this. The problem is that
D arrays are D slices (i.e. we don't have T[new]) and D code is written
to be slice compatible. Whereas the .Net libraries are, for the most
part, slice incompatible. So slice-based code, in D or .Net, has to
constantly convert back to arrays, which is a major performance sink.

I'm sorry, but you are wrong.

Interior pointers are /not/ permitted in the CLI. See Ecma 335, I.

D as it exists today cannot work in the CLI if it requires interior pointers for such a fundamental language feature no matter how you look at it.


But if we make this assumption, D can never run on the CLI.

False, see http://dnet.codeplex.com/.

No, not false. This project is stalled because of slices. And regardless, the CLI spec clearly does not allow interior pointers.

Interior pointers are OK in the stack and registers, so taking
pointers to fields inside aggregates should be fine so long as they
are not stored in the heap.

So what about unions?

Emit a type info bit saying "scan conservatively". Unions are the exception rather than the rule. As far as the CLI goes, unions cannot work at all, obviously.

Alex Rønne Petersen

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