On Wednesday, 12 December 2012 at 08:25:04 UTC, Han wrote:
Walter Bright wrote:
Overlooked is the previous 10 years the band struggled in

You KNOW that D has not been "overlooked". Developers and users with applications give it a look (the former mostly) and then choose something else.

Overlooked ? No. Using ? No. Disliked and abandoned ? No.

Quite a few times I've seen on the web people saying something like: "D looks *really* nice, can't use it right now, but definitely keeping eye on it"

Same with myself. Keeping eye on it since mid-2010.

Do you really think that D will ever have popularity to the level of The Beatles?

From what I've seen so far, I'd say that's quite possible.

Do you have a "Moses complex" (psychological) a little bit maybe?

You do understand this doesn't add anything to the discussion, right ?

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