
I am trying to log into a web application using curl. The web app
sends a 302 redirect after posting the data (successful log in -
I can see the successful login in the web apps log files).

Maybe I am doing something wrong - but I have just copied the
code of _basicHTTP form curl.d to my own method to authenticate.

The exception I'll receive on perform is:

std.net.curl.CurlException@std/net/curl.d(3348): Send failed
since rewinding of the data stream failed on handle 7FCABA819400

My Code:

      void post(string url, const(void)[] sendData){
          HTTP client = HTTP();
          client.method = HTTP.Method.post;


          scope (exit) {
              client.onReceiveHeader = null;
              client.onReceiveStatusLine = null;
              client.onReceive = null;
          client.url = url;
          HTTP.StatusLine statusLine;
          ubyte[] content;
          string[string] headers;
          client.onReceive = (ubyte[] data)
              content ~= data;
              return data.length;

          if (sendData !is null &&
              (client.method == HTTP.Method.post || client.method
== HTTP.Method.put))
              client.contentLength = sendData.length;
              client.onSend = delegate size_t(void[] buf)
                  size_t minLen = std.algorithm.min(buf.length,
                  if (minLen == 0) return 0;
                  buf[0..minLen] = sendData[0..minLen];
                  sendData = sendData[minLen..$];
                  return minLen;

          client.onReceiveHeader = (in char[] key,
                                    in char[] value)
              if (auto v = key in headers)
                  *v ~= ", ";
                  *v ~= value;
                  headers[key] = value.idup;
          client.onReceiveStatusLine = (HTTP.StatusLine l) {
statusLine = l; };

          // Default charset defined in HTTP RFC
          auto charset = "ISO-8859-1";
          if (auto v = "content-type" in headers)
              auto m = match(cast(char[]) (*v),
              if (!m.empty && m.captures.length > 1)
                  charset = m.captures[1].idup;

Does anybody have a clue, what I am doing wrong?



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